
Twenty/Twenty-One: 2020-2021 Exhibition

Retrieve: Recent Collage by Zoja Forsberg

March 26 through April 23, 2021

Retrieve: Recent Collage by Zoja Forsberg
Zoja Forsberg. Frail Bark. Mixed media collage. 2019.

Artist Zoja Forsberg produces mixed media collages made with paint, screen prints, fibers, and found objects. Working simultaneously on several pieces, she embraces the happy accident, juxtaposing shapes, colors, and textures with an open mind. The pieces find their places with little rational thought, although afterwards it is apparent that a deeper consciousness was employed.

Special Events

Friday, March 26, 2021
Gallery Lecture: Brennan 228 • 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Public Reception: Hyland 405 • 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

These venues may be rescheduled and/or attendance may be limited due to changing coronavirus guidelines.

View the Exhibit Gallery here:
Retrieve: Recent Collage by Zoja Forsberg

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