
Viewing Home: 2021-2022 Exhibition

Beneath the Surface, Behind the Horizon:
Sculptures and Drawings by Cynthia Myron

February 4 through March 4, 2022

Beneath the Surface, Behind the Horizon: Sculptures and Drawings by Cynthia Myron
Cynthia Myron. Invasive Ornamentation. Wood, architectural print,
pewter, 24k gold leaf, and ink on board. 2019.

Myron serves as Chair/Assistant Professor in the departments of Craft/Material Studies and Sculpture + Extended Media in the School of the Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. Her work explores human impact on our natural environment while paying homage to the lives and industries that have shaped our communities. Recently, she researched the biodiversity of the anthracite mining region during a Parent Artist Residency at LACAWAC Sanctuary in Lake Ariel, PA.

Zoom Lecture

with Cynthia Myron
Friday, February 11, 2022 • 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Please contact the gallery for links and further information.

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