
Information Literacy Assessment 2016-2017

During the 2016-2017 academic year, the Weinberg Memorial Library added a sixth student learning outcome to those we assessed and revised in 2015-2016; this new outcome emphasizes students as knowledge creators and strengthens further the relationship between our outcomes and the . See the Information Literacy Curriculum and Assessment home page for a map between our six learning outcomes and the ACRL Framework frames.

In 2016-2017: 3 Research & Instruction Librarians in the Research & Scholarly Services department generated 2 Program-wide and 4 Individual Classroom Activity Reports in support of assessment of student learning in the Information Literacy Program.

2016-17 Program-wide Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2016: BIOL 141L: General Biology I Lab (EP)
2 Faculty Librarians
16 Course Sections
Fall 2016: INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP)
2 Faculty Librarians
2 Course Sections
Fall 2016 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
COUN 520: Professional Issues: Rehabilitation Counseling
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Dalgin
SPAN 331: Spanish-American Literature
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. Yamile Silva
Spring 2017 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
HIST 140: The Craft of the Historian
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. David Dzurec
OT 393: Research Methods in OT
Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham
4 Course Sections
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