
Information Literacy Stipends 2012

Nine Information Literacy Stipends were awarded for 2012. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:

Dr. S. P. Chattopadhyay proposes to bridge program level outcomes for undergraduate students to programmatic objectives mandated by AACSB, the accrediting body for schools of management, and information literacy standards mandated by the Middle States accreditation standards in Introduction to Marketing (MKT 351).

Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Chattopadhyay’s final report.

Dr. Mary Jane Hanson will be integrating information literacy into Issues in Advanced Practice Nursing (NURS 591). Students in this course will write a persuasive letter to a legislator, write a paper about an alternative health care modality that evaluates its efficacy, and after reviewing the literature about a particular culture will participate in a class discussion that compares and contrasts various cultures. Librarian Bonnie Oldham will demonstrate some of the skills that students will need to learn to research these varied topics.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Oldham, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Hanson’s final report.

Students in Nineteenth Century Art (ARTH 221), taught by Dr. Darlene Miller-Lanning, Gallery Director and adjunct faculty in the History Department, will work in groups to identify, research, and report on a nineteenth century artist/author. Group projects will be shared with the class as a PowerPoint presentation and detailed annotated bibliography. Librarian Michael Knies will familiarize the class with the transformations that have historically occurred in information technologies, particularly as related to the 19th century, and will broaden students’ awareness of the library’s Special Collections resources.

Collaborating Librarian, is Michael Knies, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Miller-Lanning's final report.

Mary Troy, adjunct faculty in Counseling and Human Services, will integrate information literacy into Human Service Systems (CHS 112). Students will learn what resources are available, will develop and use a concept web to enhance their research skills, and will learn how to evaluate sources and information critically. Student learning will be assessed through a pre/post-test, and by generating a concept web during the course of their research for a group presentation on a social issue.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Strohl, Associate Dean of the Library.
Read Prof. Troy’s final report.

Business Foundations for Entrepreneurs (BAUD 362/BAUD 363) are two courses in the new KSOM Entrepreneurship minor taught by Donna Simpson, KSOM adjunct faculty. Over the course of several visits to the library, Librarian Betsey Moylan will introduce the students to various resources available for business research, both print and electronic, in order that they can make informed decisions when analyzing the business plan for a fictional company to determine its feasibility.

Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Prof. Simpson’s final report.

Rebecca Haggerty, KSOM adjunct faculty, will integrate information literacy skills into Business Ethics (PHIL 211), which can help her students develop critical thinking skills necessary to make educated choices supported by reliable and trustworthy resources. She has invited Librarian George Aulisio to conduct an information literacy session with an emphasis on the ethical and legal implications of research materials and intellectual property rights.

Collaborating Librarian is George Aulisio, Assistant Professor.
Read Prof. Haggerty’s final report.

For Development of a Research Project: Measuring Bone Calcium (BIOL 382), Dr. Gary Kwiecinski will work with Librarian Kristen Yarmey to develop students’ proficiency at searching primary scientific literature as the basis for information acquisition and citation.

Collaborating Librarian is Kristen Yarmey, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Kwiecinski’s final report.

Maria Montenegro, also KSOM adjunct faculty, will confer with Librarian Betsey Moylan to develop students’ research skills in order to develop marketing plans for a specific industry. Students in her Introduction to Marketing (MKT 351) course will compile journals detailing the success, or lack of success, of their research efforts and will share this information in class.

Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Prof. Montenegro’s final report.

Dr. Declan Mulhall and Librarian Kristen Yarmey will develop students’ ability to discern among types of information, to find reliable sources, and to properly cite these sources in FYS: Energy and Society (INTD 100).

Collaborating Librarian is Kristen Yarmey, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Mulhall’s final report.

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