
Part-time Faculty Award

The Provost’s Part-Time Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching is presented each year during the Spring semester (April). The award is designed to recognize the diligent efforts of part-time faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and have made extraordinary efforts to enhance student learning. The award also recognizes that he/she has:

  • demonstrated innovation in curriculum and pedagogy over the last 3 years
  • incorporated student learning outcomes in a sample course taught in the last 3 years
  • provided student learning outcomes that were measurable and systematically assessed
  • demonstrated distinction in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • demonstrated a commitment to integrate new pedagogical principles into teaching

This year's Recipients are:

Professor Barbara Bossi - Health Administration & Human Resources
Professor Eric Hosie - Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Past Recipients

2021 Award Recipients
Dr. Darlene Miller-Lanning
2020 Award Recipients
Dr. Beth Elias
2019 Award Recipients
Professor Dawn D'Aries Zera
Professor Jeffrey Leventhal
Professor Jahan Tabatabaie
2017 Award Recipients
Professor Emily Dennison
2016 Award Recipients
Professor Ruth DeSantis
Professor Timothy Holland
2015 Award Recipients
Professor Amye Archer
2014 Award Recipients
Professor Harold Anderson
Professor John Conlon
Professor Joseph Hammond
Dr. Vincent Marshall
2013 Award Recipients
Professor John McGrath
Professor Tom Leong
Professor Melissa Bevacqua
2012 Award Recipients
Professor Catherine Harrington
Professor Eva Polizzi
2011 Award Recipient
Professor Kevin C. Flynn
2010 Award Recipients
Professor Cecelia Taylor
Professor Lynn Scramuzza
Professor Victoria Castagna
2009 Award Recipients
Professor Dale Giuliani
Professor Sharon Falzone
Professor Bernard Rudegeair
2008 Award Recipients
Professor JoAnn Nicoteri
Professor Nicholas Truncale
2007 Award Recipients
Professor Bonnie Markowski
Professor Diane O'Lenick Stango
2006 Award Recipients
Professor Marie Karam
Professor Virginia Corcoran
Professor Michael Costello
2005 Award Recipients
Professor Elaine Tweedy
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