
The Robert L. McKeage Business Leadership Honors Program

Leadership -- the process of persuasion or example by which the members of a group are persuaded to pursue the group's objectives -- is the focus of many new programs in education.

The Robert L. McKeage Business Leadership Program provides selected students with an opportunity to perfect their talents for business leadership. The program includes:

  • special sections of key business courses taught from the leadership perspective
  • leadership seminars
  • a mentor/internship program
  • an independent leadership project.

The key courses are taught with a special emphasis on business leadership by faculty chosen for their exceptional teaching and their interest in the leadership concept. The leadership seminars will help the students assess and perfect their talents for leadership and will put them into contact with many business leaders.

Noteworthy among the opportunities are the internships (where the students are placed with business leaders who serve as mentors) and the projects developed and executed by the students to demonstrate their leadership skills.

The program culminates with the students preparing portfolios on the essence of leadership, as derived from participation in the program, and defending their concepts of leadership before a faculty board.

This highly selective program accepts 15 sophomores each spring to begin the two-year curriculum the following fall. Applicants are selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Leadership experience and/or potential; drawing from the student's record in high school, college, work history, clubs and activities.
  • Student's self-assessment and motivation in applying-how and why this program relates to the student's long-term goals.
  • Interests and hobbies.
  • Recommendations of teachers, others.
  • 3.0 grade-point average (ordinarily); a minimum of a 3.5 grade-point average will be needed for graduation with honors in the program
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