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Non-Instructional Facilities Reservation Handbook

The Reservation Handbook provides information for scheduling non-instructional rooms and facilities. Also included is detailed information on each room that can be scheduled online and other pertinent information. If you have any questions, please call (570) 941-7952.


University departments should schedule rooms for University events on-line through my.scranton.edu using Chrome as the browser.  Login by entering your username and password.  If you do not know your password, contact the Technology Support Center at 570-941-4173.  Once logged in double click Employees on the left and under Employee Links pull down the menu under Events & Facilities and click Non-Instructional Events Submission.

Use the Search Events feature to determine if the room and date is available.  You are able to view all buildings and rooms or use the menu to choose a specific room and by changing the default of todays date, focus on a specific date or range.

When you have determined that the location and date you wish to reserve is available, click Cancel to return to the main menu.  New Event will open up the form with information needed to submit your request.  When you are finished be sure to click Save and your request will be identified by an event number.

A detailed handout is provided in the Online Procedure on the left.

The Manager of Scheduling reviews each request and will approve, deny, adjust and coordinate each event request.  A system generated response will be sent via email to the requestor for all requests submitted. 

This Reservation Handbook includes a guide to rooms available for scheduling online.  Reviewing the room specifications and selecting the one that best fit your event’s needs allows for optimal use of University facilities.  The online system requires a second choice selection.  Reserving a series of locations simultaneously for alternate time periods to accommodate the same event is not permitted.  Booking in advance enables the University’s service offices to support your event. 

Reservations should be requested at least two weeks in advance of the desired date of the event.  In most cases, requests will be confirmed within 24 hours.  Because there may be other requests for the same facility pending prior to your request or some other concerns,  please wait for your room confirmation before proceeding with planning your event.

Reservations will be reviewed one year in advance of the event date.  Administrative priority events can be submitted as far in advance as possible to secure facilities needed.  Non-University events can reserve facilities six months prior to the date to allow for University planning.  Conference planning, whether University or non-University, can reserve facilities three years prior through coordination with the Office of Conferences and Event Services, 570-941-6200.

Student clubs and organizations must contact Student Engagement, 570-941-5441 to complete necessary paperwork for reserving facilities.  Students who wish to reserve rooms for residence hall or house dinners or resident events must contact the Residence Life Office, 570-941-6226.  This first coordinating step ensures planning measures are followed and prevents planning conflicts. 

Included in this handbook is information about our service offices and how they can help you make your event successful.   

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