
External Links

- Encyclical of Benedict XVI

- CLINIC is a Catholic corporation trying to change US laws regarding migration and illegal immigrants through publications and advocacy programs. (Immigration)

– includes information on Public Policy, Education, Health and Microfinance initiatives

– exploring & analyzing global issues and social structures from the perspective of Catholic Social Teaching

 (The Environment)

 (The Environment)

- A Pastoral Reflection on Lay Discipleship for Justice in a New Millennium

- The Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform. (Immigration)

- Nationally significant speakers and events, syllabi, research and publications of interest, noteworthy practices, reflections, assessment instruments, Ignatian spirituality resources, and calls for papers and dialogues. (Immigration)

- A binational organization that works in the area of migration and is located in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico (Immigration)

- digital collection of congressional hearings on immigration and a good resource for tracing the development over time of immigration policy in the U.S. and on getting snapshots of American's sentiments about immigration over time. (Immigration)

- Committed to creating the systemic and attitudinal changes necessary to prevent and end homelessness.

- A national catholic social justice lobby

- Finding lasting solutions to poverty and injustice

– features educational materials on poverty in the U.S., including the Poverty Tour, a multimedia presentation illustration the difficulty of living at the poverty line.

(The Condition of Labor)

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