

Mission Priority Examen

Mission Priority Examen Self-Study

Executive Summary

We began the self-study process in January of 2017.At that time, the Jesuit Center Senior Staff, together with their faculty and staff advisors, identified and invited others on campus to assist in the gathering of relevant information for our evaluation.Twenty-one staff, faculty, and administrators were divided up into seven teams of three and asked to identify material that would be appropriate for each of the characteristics.The first task of each team member was a thorough reading of the evaluative document Some Characteristics of Jesuit Colleges and Universities – A Self-Evaluation instrument.9 In the spring of 2017 the Jesuit Center staff met with each of the seven characteristic teams to begin the process of determining where to gather the relevant information for each EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Reaffirming our Catholic and Jesuit Identity characteristic and from which constituencies.Decisions were then made about the dividing up of tasks. Each characteristic team gathered information in a variety of ways. Some of these included:

  • Gathering documentation
  • Interviewing students, faculty, and staff about their experience with the Catholic and Jesuit values we hope to give to the entire University Community
  • Characteristic Teams then gave the information back to the Jesuit Center Staff who then examined the material carefully and began the process of identifying what material was most appropriate to include in the self-evaluation
  • Surveys

One of the major benefits of engaging in the Mission Priority Examen self-evaluation process during the 2017-2018 academic year was the natural collaboration between our self-evaluation team’s work with our colleagues collecting information for our Middle State’s self-evaluation.

The material garnered has proven to be mutually beneficial on a number of levels to both processes. Importantly, as our team engaged in the work of identifying all the ways in which our University proudly expresses its Catholic and Jesuit identity, we recognize the need for those values to be readily identifiable  by way of an overarching framework.

The framework for all of our work on this self-evaluation came from our University’s Mission and Vision Statements, our Institutional Student Learning Outcomes, and our 2015-2020 Strategic Plan.The Mission Priority Examen team intentionally reached out to every part of our University Community in an attempt to get the clearest understanding of where we thrive in articulating our Catholic and Jesuit values and where we still need to grow. Our priorities concerning a thoughtful, continued engagement with our Catholic and Jesuit values are:


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